Do VA Loans Require Termite Clearance?

Did you know that termites cause billions of dollars of property damage annually? It’s true, and veterans interested in buying a home have a right to expect a residence that is not only structurally safe but termite-free. The VA home loan program helps to ensure that service members, veterans and military families have the best home-buying experience possible. The enjoyment of a move-in-ready home begins with pest inspections and termite clearance in certain parts of the country.

Choosy Termites

Termites are more of a problem in some areas than others. However, most people are not aware of termites unless they see a swarm, or construction or renovation work exposes them. One way to determine if these pests have invaded a house is to use a screwdriver or similar tool to probe for hollow spots in wood; for example, the wood framework around a door or window.

Inspection Process

In keeping with VA loan rules, a termite inspection is required in more than 30 states, including California, before the closing on a home loan can occur. In other states, these pest inspections only have to be done if the VA appraiser finds a problem. In that case, professional pest inspectors will be called in to examine the property about to be sold. Any infestation issues must be resolved before the buyer can move forward.

Covering Costs

A VA lender will usually require an invoice showing who paid for the termite inspection. Sellers almost always foot the bill, except that buyers are permitted to pay for the inspection in nine states:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Florida
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas

San Diego Termite Clearance

If you are planning to use your VA home loan in the San Diego, California, area, be aware that a termite report and clearance will be required. The VA also requires that you sign a receipt for both documents. The report itself has two parts:

  • Section 1 addresses active termite infestation. If there is damaged wood in multiple locations, tenting the house will likely be required in order to receive a clearance. You should carefully inspect the house afterward to assess the workmanship.
  • Section 2 of the termite report is for termite infestation that is not active but may become a future issue. Any anticipated termite problems should be included in the home inspection report. As the buyer, you may want to ask for Section 2 work to be done as part of your request for any home repairs that are needed.

Be proactive as you prepare to purchase your new home. Read the termite report carefully and negotiate for any recommended repairs. Make sure all the work mentioned in the report has been done so that the home qualifies for termite clearance.

Learn More With National Home Loans

The professionals at National Home Loans are proud to offer service members, veterans and military families affordable VA home loans. We work one-on-one with buyers to ensure that their objectives are met. Obtaining termite clearance is one important step in preparing a property for a sound and sanitary environment. Learn more about our services and let us help you open the door to the home of your dreams.

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Written By

John Giannattasio

John Giannattasio is an independent mortgage broker based in San Diego. He brings a wealth of diverse business knowledge and experience to his mortgage practice, which results in a stress-free, seamless, and strategic experience for his clients.

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